Monday, September 23, 2013

NWG army list

I'm playing in a tournament this coming weekend. First game in a year. Exciting! Here's my list:

Thane, BSB, RoStone, MRoSpite 140
Runesmith, RoStone, Shield, MRoBalance 127
Dragon Slayer 50
Dragon Slayer 50
Dragon Slayer 50
Dragon Slayer 50
10 Thunderers 140
10 Thunderers 140
10 Quarellers 110
10 Quarellers 110
30 Slayers, Banner 342
29 Slayers, Banner 331
Cannon, RoBurning 95
Cannon, RoForging 125
Gyrocopter 140

I made a mistake taking a BSB, none of my core will be sticking around and the Slayers don't need it. It's just automatic at this point: "I'll need a BSB!". Where am I going to put him? Behind a unit of slayers I'm thinking, where he's pretty useless. :/ He'd be easy meat in a Thunderer or Quareller unit.

As for the rest of it, I'm not confident at all, but perhaps it'll be some fun. At the very least, I hope it's different from the standard dwarf fare and that my opponents will enjoy themselves (hopefully not just from kicking my dwarves around the place).

The dragon slayers and Gyrocopter are intended for messing about, and will do their best as charge redirectors. Never having used anything as a charge redirector before, this will be a learning experience.


  1. Looking forward to seeing how the slayers work out!

  2. You and me both. You always overestimate them though, they're very squishy.


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